Soft and Supple Kissable Lips
Who likes chapped lips? No one!
Our Lip Smoothie is made with organic oils and and just a tiny pinch of beeswax to provide a luxurious, moisturizing experience for your lips.
Unlike some lip products that really heavily on beeswax, which only drys out your lips (hence always having to re-apply), our formula prioritizes hydration, leaving your lips feeling soft and cared for without constant reapplication.
It is a thoughtful blend for those that want their lips to look and feel their best everyday.
Most people buy whatever they can without really giving any consideration (or at least much consideration) to the active ingredients within. Bees wax is a popular ingredient used in lip products because it makes your skin feel soft but did you know that bees wax pulls every drop of moisture from your lips? Many lip balms contain over 75% of bees wax with no real oils to benefit your lips! That’s why you keep having to reapply every 30 mins or so.
By using only a pinch of beeswax, our lip smoothie avoids the dehydrating effect, focusing on what lips truly crave.
A perfect solution for those seeking genuine lip care.
Note: This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any medical condition.