Article: Gearing up for Spring and Summer with family and friends!

Gearing up for Spring and Summer with family and friends!
Production has never been busier! One would think that the Holiday season would run you ragged but it seems Spring is hot on its' heels!
Because this is a family business I thought I would share a photo of my self and my girls! Shadai, Vanessa and Alisha. It has been over 10 years since we were able to all be together at the same time, so I took a few days of relaxing at the beach, cooking and catching up.
I look at this photo and am amazed at these young women and where their life has taken them. Of course they will always have their hands in Sweet Harvest Farms, but at the same time they have their own careers and families. It's good to take time, relax and catch up and its times like these I cherish most. I don't take them for granted.
Refreshed and happy, customers await and there is much soap, lotion and other organic products to make!