Article: PH Balanced Skincare

PH Balanced Skincare
Balancing this soap in my hand is like balancing your skin. Not hard if you know how. The way to do that is to eliminate harsh cleansers, remove all chemicals, preservatives and toxins that could harm your skin by their absorption (many are not so obvious so read the label), look for botanical products rich in vitamins, organic ingredients, minerals, antioxidants and use properly PH balanced skin care products. Balancing isn’t hard when you use Sweet Harvest Farms! #organicskincare #organic #spa #skincare #skincareroutine #natural #handmadesoap #organicsoap #chemicalfree #phbalanced #beauty #antiaging #sweetharvestfarms #madefromscratch #love #historichome #magnolia #handmade #cleansing #sanitizer #surfacespray #lipbalm #hydrate #moisturizer #nurishyourbody