Article: The Spirit of Christmas

The Spirit of Christmas
Christmas means many things to many people. The hustle bustle of shopping, the joy of cooking and the sights and sounds of the season come but only once a year. I am not so sure that all these things are the most important of Christmas but they do have their place in tradition.
My wish for Christmas is for new traditions. Not to replace the old but to thrive amongst them. I wish that we could all keep the spirit of giving, sharing and understanding in our hearts all year long. That we look at others with loving eyes, with open hearts and with compassion. I wish that we appreciate what we have and share what we can. I wish that we slow down long enough to be grateful for our friends, family and blessings. I wish that we would be happy with our good fortune and stop putting so much emphasis on what we don’t have. I wish we would pray more, play more and reflect more.
The spirit of Christmas is not just a day. It is a state of mind. It is what this day stands for that is most important.
Above all I wish for peace. I pray for peace. Not just amongst different countries, cultures and people but within our hearts. That is where it truly begins. It may seem unattainable but it is the hope of what could be that sustains us.
We are grateful for all of you. Without your support and belief in our work our small but thriving little business would cease to exists. It is because of the joy we bring you and your customers that we continue to produce our organic bath and body line. We absolutely love what we do and are amazed at how many people have come to appreciate it!
Yes, there have been hills and valleys as my learning curve with these growing pains has not been easy, but you have given me encouragement, much needed constructive criticism, and of course your continued patronage.
So last by not least I wish for you, your family, employees and customers – unending joy, peace on earth and goodwill that will carry on well beyond
Christmas Day.
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah